Interbeat Records
Arte e Cultura
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I divi del pallone diventano un’esilarante canzonetta di Don Aldo che, attraverso una divertente storia di vita quotidiana, mette in musica una sorta di tiki taka tra parole che suonano esattamente come i cognomi di molti calciatori. Da ascoltare parola per parola, tutta d’un fiato. “…Ronaldo, Ronaldo, Ronaldo, tiro murato da N’Koulou! Ma interviene Pirlo che effettua un tiro a girare sul secondo palo ed è gol! Vai N’koulou prendi il pallone in rete, piglia il pallone, piglia, piglia N’koulou!”



The football stars become a hilarious song by Don Aldo who, through a funny story of everyday life, sets to music a sort of tiki taka between words that sound exactly like the surnames of many football players. To be listened to word by word, in one breath. “…Ronaldo, Ronaldo, Ronaldo, shot blocked by N’Koulou! But Pirlo intervenes who makes a shot to turn at the far post and it's a goal! Go N'koulou catch the ball on the net, catch the ball, catch, catch N'koulou!”


© Interbeat Records




FB: https://www.facebook.com/1546255540/videos/10224245075545003/


YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TXGvcwN2M1Y


Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/62s4knYp5SjBXWTHUW5EgQ?si=pkWnTMtPTeSxT4NR3jlz-A

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